Using Surveys for Custom Data Collection in ARMS

Custom Data Collection using Surveys

Building Provider Surveys

  1. Using the sidebar menu, navigate to Settings -> Surveys.
  2. Click the "Create Survey" button in the upper right hand corner of the view.
  3. Enter a name in the "Survey Name" text field.
  4. Drag and drop the desired Markup or Input options from the sidebar into the area outlined with dashes.
  5. Hover over the field inside the form area to view additional configuration options.
    1. X Button: will remove the selection from the form.
    2. Edit Pencil: will allow you to edit additional details of the form element.
      1. *Please see the configuration options section for more details on how to configure fields using the edit pencil.
      2. Once your edits have been made, click the pencil again to collapse the configuration options. 
    3. Copy Button: will duplicate the form element.
  6. Once you have completed adding and configuring the fields, click on the green "Save" button at the bottom of the screen.

Unsupported Element Choices

The following two sections will provide a list of supported and functional input and formatting elements. Additionally, there are other options in the right hand element selector to choose from which should not but placed in a survey form.

The following elements are not supported:
  1. File Upload
  2. Client DOB (use a date field instead)
  3. Sign as Staff Member
  4. Client Initials
  5. Client ID
  6. Recovery Path
  7. Priority Population
  8. Employment Information
  9. Client Location
  10. Client SSN
  11. Client Name (use a text field instead)

Edit Pencil - Markup Field Configuration Options

Markup type fields are used when you don't need to collect input from the user on the form. They are used for instructions, context/content.

Headers are useful for calling out sections of a document.
  1. Label - Click inside the text field and change the "Header" text to whatever you would like the section heading to be.
  2. Type - Use the type dropdown menu to choose which heading text formatting to apply to your header (h1 through h6).

Please do not use the following options
  1. Class
  2. Access
  3. Mark this Fields As Fillable By The Client
  4. Parent


Paragraphs are where you would put the body content of your form (i.e. directions, context, etc.). 
  1. Content - Click inside the "Content" field and change the "Paragraph" text to whatever you like the content of the paragraph to be.
  2. Type - The default Type is "p" however there are a few other options to choose from which apply some minor text formatting to the element.
  3. p - default option which applies no special formatting
  4. address - applies address formatting
  5. block-quote - applies "block quote" style formatting to the element
Examples of the available supported paragraph type choices.
Please do not use the following options or any other formatting options that are not specified above.
  1. Class
  2. Access
  3. Mark This Field As Fillable By The Client

Edit Pencil - Input Field Configuration Options

Input type fields are reserved for collecting information on the form. These types of fields will prompt a response from the client or the staff user completing the survey.

Radio Group

Use radio groups when you want a single response as the user can only choose 1 of the options you define. This is also the only field that directly supports "other" options by allowing for freehand text.
  1. Label - Use the label field to type the question text.
  2. Help Text - Enter contextual help text here which will be displayed as a small "i" icon next to the question while someone is completing the survey.
  3. Inline Checkbox - The radio options will display top to bottom by default. Check this box if you prefer the responses be displayed left to right.
  4. Enable "Other" Checkbox - If you require a field for "other" responses, check this box. 
  5. Options - Use the options section to define the available responses to the question.
    1. Use the "Add Options +" button to add more choices or the "X" button to remove choices.
    2. Enter the values that you would like displayed next to the radio bubbles in the left column and the responses you would like in your output on the right.
      1. NOTE: It's best to always name the output options the same as the question. Whatever you type in the left column copy and paste it in the adjacent column on the right.
Please do not use the following options or any other formatting/configuration options that are not specified above.
  1. Class
  2. Name
  3. Access
  4. Mark This Fields As Fillable By The Client
  5. Parent 


Select generate a dropdown list of options for a user to select from and are also great for situations requiring the user to choose 1 or more responses.
  1. Label - Use the label field to type the text of the question.
  2. Help Text -  Enter contextual help text here which will be displayed as a small "i" icon next to the question while someone is completing the survey.
  3. Placeholder - This field will show a default value in lighter grey when added to an input element. This is useful for providing examples of how you might want the user to format their response or to show them examples of acceptable responses.
  4. Access:
    1. Allow Multiple Selections - Check this box when you need the user to choose 1 or more of the available options in the dropdown menu.
  5. Options - Use the options section to define the available responses to the question.
    1. Use the "Add Options +" button to add more choices or the "X" button to remove choices.
    2. Enter the values that you would like displayed next to the radio bubbles in the left column and the responses you would like in your output on the right.
      1. NOTE: It's best to always name the output options the same as the question. Whatever you type in the left column copy and paste it in the adjacent column on the right.

Please do not use the following options or any other formatting/configuration options that are not specified above.
  1. Class
  2. Name
  3. Limit access to one or more of the following roles
  4. Mark This Fields As Fillable By The Client

Text Field

Text fields are useful for single line freehand input like a name or a short response.
  1. Label - Use the label field to type the text of the question.
  2. Help Text -  Enter contextual help text here which will be displayed as a small "i" icon next to the question while someone is completing the survey.
  3. Placeholder - This field will show a default value in lighter grey when added to an input element. This is useful for providing examples of how you might want the user to format their response or to show them examples of acceptable responses.

Please do not use the following options or any other formatting/configuration options that are not specified above.
  1. Class
  2. Name
  3. Access
  4. Value
  5. Type
  6. Max Length
  7. Mark This Fields As Fillable By The Client
  8. Parent

Date Field

Date fields add an intuitive calendar input field which allows you to capture dates.
  1. Label - Use the label field to type the text of the question.
  2. Help Text -  Enter contextual help text here which will be displayed as a small "i" icon next to the question while someone is completing the survey.

Please do not use the following options or any other formatting/configuration options that are not specified above.'
  1. Place Holder
  2. Class
  3. Name
  4. Access
  5. Value
  6. Mark This Fields As Fillable By The Client
  7. Parent


This is an unsupported field type. Please use the Text Input for that needs to be captured as a number.

Text Area

Text Area inputs are great for longer answers or for answers which require listed items. This type of input field will allow users to press the "return" or "enter" key to start each response on a new line. The placeholder option is an excellent way to show a user how you would like responses that require multiple lines formatted.
  1. Label - Use the label field to type the text of the question.
  2. Help Text -  Enter contextual help text here which will be displayed as a small "i" icon next to the question while someone is completing the survey.
  3. Placeholder - This field will show a default value in lighter grey when added to an input element. This is useful for providing examples of how you might want the user to format their response or to show them examples of acceptable responses.

Please do not use the following options or any other formatting/configuration options that are not specified above.
  1. Class
  2. Name
  3. Access
  4. Value
  5. Type
  6. Max Length
  7. Rows
  8. Mark This Fields As Fillable By The Client
  9. Parent

Sending Surveys

  1. Open the navigation sidebar and scroll down to the bottom and select "Surveys"
  2. Provided that you have already created your Survey, you should see it listed with a P icon and it's name.
The highlighted area of the screen shows an example of a provider survey alongside a few already available Global Surveys.

  1. *You will also see a list of any available global surveys which have already been created and are available for use by providers. Locate your survey 
    1. *Hover over any of the blue Action icons to show a tooltip stating their function.

Survey Template Actions

  1. Edit Pencil - Click this icon to make changes to your Survey. You will only be able to edit the content of surveys you create. Global Surveys have been pre-configured and are locked.
  2. Trash Can - Click this icon to delete your Survey.
  3. Copy - Use this to copy your survey and generate another survey.
    1. In order to collect more than 1 survey submission per client/staff user, you must copy the survey and resend it. Each client or staff user is only permitted to submit a single survey for each of the surveys in the list. You will need to copy the existing survey and send it again to collect longitudinal followup responses. Resending the same survey to a client/staff user who has previously submitted responses will overwrite their previous responses.
  4. Linked Left Carrot (<) - Click here to send the survey to Staff or Client users.
  5. Download Arrows - The download arrow on the left will download a .csv file to your local system containing the responses for any client who has completed the Survey. The furthest right download arrow will download a .csv file to your local system containing the responses for any staff user who has completed the Survey.

Sending Surveys to Staff and Clients

Using the Survey Template Action buttons above, click on the Linked Left Carrot.
Click on the "Share by" dropdown list and choose one of the available options.
  1. Client - allows you to send a survey to a single client or a group of clients by checking the box next to their name.
  2. Program - allows you to batch send the survey to all clients who are currently enrolled in any of your programs.
  3. Location - allows you to batch send the survey to all clients in a location.
  4. Groups - allows you to batch send the survey to all clients by client group. 
  5. Staff Users - allows you to choose from a list of active staff users.
Once you have made your selection, click the "Send to Selected" button in the upper right hand corner of the view to send the survey.

Completing Surveys

Staff Users

Surveys sent to staff users will be emailed to them. To complete the survey they would open the email and follow the instructions and the link to the survey for completion.

Client Users

  1. Surveys sent to clients are completed from their client portal.
  2. Clients will receive text/email notifications based on their preference indicating that there is a survey for them to complete and instructions to login to their client portal to complete it.
  3. Once they have logged into the client portal, they will be able to complete the survey by clicking on the dashboard Alert titled "Survey".
Click the Survey Alert to see a list of available surveys.
  1. On the next screen the client will be presented with a list of any surveys that have been sent for completion.
  1. Click on the "Fill In" button to load and complete the survey.
Complete the survey from here.
  1. Once complete, click on the green "Save" button at the bottom of the screen.

Collecting Survey Data

Use the download buttons located next to the survey to export the .csv data for those clients or staff users who have completed the survey. Please review the Survey Template actions for more info on downloading the file.
Below is an example of a simple 3 question survey that has been completed by a client from the client portal.
The highlighted columns contain the answers to the 3 questions added to the survey.
As more clients complete the survey more rows will be added in the same format.
All result sets will contain columns A through H by default. The questions you have added to the survey will begin at column I.
There currently is not a mechanism other than by downloading the .csv file to see if a client or staff user has completed a survey.

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