Launching RECCAP Evaluations in ARMS using the Navigation Tool Kit

Navigation Tool Kit - Launching REC CAP Evaluations

Assign permission for users to access to the Navigation Tool Kit

1. Once logged into ARMS navigate to the top left corner and select  the menu  button to open the side menu, select 'Users', then select 'Manage Users'

Only those users (usually system administrators) who have been permissioned access to change User permissions will be able to see 'users' on the menu.
2. Select  the user you would like to provision access to the Navigation Tool Kit.

3. S croll down to the list of permissions and locate the 'ReConnect' option then click in the empty check box next to 'ReConnect'

If the box is already checked then the user already has access to the Navigation Tool Kit.
4. S croll back up to the top of the page and click on the green Save button in the top right corner to complete.

Clicking Save will take you back to the User list for your application.

Accessing the Navigation Tool Kit

1. Once logged into ARMS navigate to the top left corner and select  the menu  button to open the side menu then select "Navigation" from the list.

Users will only be able to see clients who are assigned to their caseload(s). If the user can not see the client confirm what caseload the client is assigned to, then confirm the user is assigned the same caseload. See our knowledge-based article on Caseloads for more information. 
2. Select  any of the clients in the list to access the Navigation Tool Kit 

Clicking on any of the clients in the user's caseload(s) will open the Navigation Tool Kit and bring the user to the Navigation Dashboard.

Launching a Baseline Evaluation

1. From the Navigation Tool Kit Dashboard, click the New Evaluation button.

This will be the only option to choose for clients who have not yet completed a RECCAP Evaluation.
2. Click on Step 1 - "Evaluation" using the navigation ribbon at the top of the screen to proceed to the evaluation. Complete each section of the evaluation and then click the Submit button in Section 9 to complete the Evaluation.
3. Once the Evaluation has been submitted, click on the red Power Button in the top right hand corner of the screen and click "Sure!" in the prompt to end the session  successfully.

Launching a Follow-Up Evaluation

1.  From the Navigation Tool Kit Dashboard underneath the "Evaluations" Tab, Click on the Green Bar directly below the "Longitudinal Recovery Capital Measures" Chart that reads "NEW EVALUATION".

Users should only click NEW EVALUATION if the client is due for a followup evaluation or if this is the Baseline(first evaluation) for the client.
New Evaluations should only be initiated every 30, 60 or 90 days. The "Next Evaluation" box depicted in the image above will alert you to when the client is due up for a follow-up.
2.  C licking the NEW EVALUATION button will prompt the user with the message displayed in the image below. If you are sure that the client is due for a follow-up evaluation then simply click the "Sure!" button to proceed.

Each time you launch a follow-up evaluation for a client, the previous evaluation results are frozen and any progress made in the MPE/Navigational Support workflow will be stored and a new Assessment will be initiated to re-evaluate the client's current Recovery Capital and progress.
3. C lick on Step 1 - "Evaluation" using the navigation ribbon at the top of the screen to proceed to the evaluation. Complete each section of the evaluation and then click the Submit button in Section 9 to complete the Assessment.

Notice the navigation ribbon at the top of the screen. This will only display once you have triggered a session.

4. O nce the Evaluation has been submitted, click on the red Power Button in the top right hand corner of the screen and click "Sure!" in the prompt to end the session  successfully .

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