ARMS Caseload Views

Client Caseloads

Caseloads are a groups users (clients and staff) that is used to determine access to help manage, and limit access to certain clients. The first step in managing caseloads is to create the caseload. Once a caseload is created you can then decide which clients and staff are assigned to those caseloads. For example, you can add a caseload that includes all end users that should be able to access any of the clients assigned to that caseload (i.e. 'Supervision Caseload' may contain all clients but only three staff members would have access to them whereas 'Sigmund Freud's Caseload' may only have access to 5 client records and only Sigmund Freud would be assigned this caseload). This is most helpful when you want to limit its access to a certain group of end users only. The below article will help you learn how to create caseloads, assign client's to caseloads, assign staff member access to caseloads, and edit caseloads.

Creating Caseloads

1. Once you are logged into ARMS, navigate to the top left corner and select the menu button  to open the side menu. Then select 'Settings' and then select 'Client Caseloads'.

2. Click on the  button located on the bottom right of your screen to create a new Client Caseload.
3. Enter the name of your caseload and then click the 'ADD' button to save.

An excellent practice is to create caseload groups using the names of the staff members who will be interfacing with clients. I.e. Sigmund Freud's Caseload, Don Quixote's Caseload, Max Weber's Caseload, etc. Once we have created all the caseload groups for the staff members, we can then begin assigning clients to these groups. This helps segment the views in the system to display only clients assigned to that particular staff member. 

As you can see from image below we now have a caseload for the staff member named John Smith. You can edit caseloads (adding new or deleting unused ones) from this view at any time after they have been created.

Assigning Clients to a Caseload

1. Select a client from the clients view.
2. Select the 'edit client' button located at the bottom of the view (look for the pencil icon).
3.  Scroll down and select the drop-down box for caseload. Select the name of the caseload this client should be assigned to. In this case we'll be selecting the caseload we just created for "John Smith".

4. Scroll back to the top and select the green "Save" button on the right.

Assign Caseloads to Staff Members

1. Navigate to the top left of your screen and select the menu button  to open the side menu. Then navigate to 'System' and select 'My Organization'.

2. Add a new staff member to the system or select an existing one from the list. In this example we will select John Smith. Click on the person's name, then click the "Edit" pencil icon.

3. Select the 'Caseload' drop-down menu and select the name of the caseload this user should be assigned too. In this example, we are assigning John Smith's caseload to User John Smith. You can add any number of caseloads for John to access. You should also set his caseload as his "Primary Caseload".
Once you have assigned a caseload to John Smith he will be restricted to only view those clients that are assigned to that caseload. 

A staff user can be assigned more than one caseload. This is most helpful if certain staff users need access to view all client records. 
4. Click the green "Save" button located on the top right of your screen.

Edit Caseloads

1. Once you are logged into ARMS, navigate to the top left corner and select the menu button  to open the side menu. Select 'Settings' and then select 'Client Caseloads'.

2. Select the caseload you would like to edit. 

3. From here you can edit the name of the caseload, mark as inactive, or delete it. In the example below we are going to rename the caseload. This is most useful when there is a change in staff users that requires a transition of caseloads. (I.e. Don Quixote will be taking over John Smith's Caseload.) 

4. Rename the caseload and select 'Save'. 

Don't forget to assign Don Quixote the caseload under the 'manage users' tab. 

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